Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bringing it home slowly

Good Morning to all of you waking or at work or going to in the UK, Simon has just completed 290km’s at about 0315 race time 0215 local.

It has been purgatory watching him this evening and night, during the first half of the 7th marathon he could barely walk because his quads were so tight and shins so sore, but as for the blisters what blisters! But walk he did for the 21k/13 miles completing the distance in a little over 3 hours. We had not seen Kale during this period, he too has been suffering with muscle fatigue in the legs. Simon finished that half around 10.30 and I got him straight onto the favourite couch, he went straight to sleep and couldn’t eat the hamburger I had ordered, still sleep is a great healer. When he woke and stretched himself out at midnight he was a different person, the rest had done him the power of good, during the previous half he could only walk and barely registered a time quicker than 10 minutes for a km, but the first measured lap after the 1.45 hour break was 7.08, where did he get that from? Maybe Kale making a reappearance had something to with it. I try to walk trot with him every few laps, he was certainly in good spirits and lapped Kale at least once. But he began to complain about falling asleep, so I went with him to keep him company. The after the 290th lap he could barely stand, it was time to call it a day, Wednesday in fact. He had given his all, despite us falling short of our target of 294km’s, he still had a magnificent day, the accumulation of fatigue comes on quickly, a micro blink can soon become a loss of balance moment, which in turn could lead to a serious injury. So off to bed Simon, we will fight another day together tomorrow.

Kale too had his problems and is 59km’s behind Simon, we really do want him to succeed and have offered him and his Dad who is crewing for him help and advice, we like them and if Simon does cross the finish line before Kale, we will both be back here to celebrate him finishing, whenever that may be. When you race for this long a close bond develops, so bring it home Kale, of course it will have to be after Simon.

Rise high Mr Bourne.


  1. This is complusive viewing from back here! The first thing I do everyday is check on the progress - even before putting the kettle on! Keep it going Simon - this is awesome! They'll make a film out of this one day!

  2. Bring it on SI, (and you too Pete!) unbelievable achievement so far and almost down to double digits to go. As tough as it must be right now, it really is the downhill straight now. Remember the Pre Para 10 miler? Well this is Caterick main gate in the distance with just the airfield loop and the man carry to go. Fuckin' GIV'ER!!!!
